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I am Miss Marple and a contributor at this site, I have met many victims here at this site and I wanted to create an thread for those who are interested to find out how you recognize African male scammers. I met an scammer while ago, and he came from Nigeria and he tried to scam me, thats why I created this thread so you can save some time and hopefully your Money by reading this general information I have written here.
I have made studies of African scammers in general and collected some stuff. I will represent here some basic information and some good advices what you can think about when you are out on the dating sites and online, which are the best ways to avoid scammers and learn how to spot them.
Are you an woman and have met the most wonderful, good looking and to good to be true man on the internet? He is also very smart, well educated, working probably as an constructor or engineer and travels a lot in his job, He tells you that he is an widower and has raised his child all alone, and he is now looking for true love. He falls in love very quickly and wants to marry you and wants to meet you soon. Suddenly he must travel to Africa. To Nigeria, Ghana, Ivory coast or another west African country for work and he will come back soon to meet you soon as possible. During his visit he gets in lot of trouble, he gets sick or have accidents. And he suddenly needs money, his credit card is not good enough or hes has trouble to get his money from his account. Then he begins to ask for money.
Is this something you recognize?? You have probably met an scammer from Africa. Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory coast, Senegal and Dakar is the most common countries where scammers comes from, but they do operate with accomplices from European countries also as Germany, Holland and United Kingdom. Malaysia and China has also reported more scammers activities the latest time.
There is lot of different scams, Lottery scams, Charity scams, credit card scams and spams (Variation from the 419 scam)and other different types of scams, But this is page is only about ROMANCE SCAMMERS or DATING SCAMMERS
You can find scammers on every Dating site, Face book, and My space and many other different communities .Please read the profiles and look at the photographs, the photos are always stolen from agency models and sometimes from other victims as identity theft: the agency you can check is You can also search for photographs in picture search in database at this site and scamdigger where you upload an photo and see if the scammer is reported in another site If you think you have contact with an scammer by email, read these general warning signs
1.Scammers use templates before they starts to ask for money and there is variations in time in that also before they do that from 2 weeks until 2-3 years. Scammers use templates because they scam many people at the same time and have no time to write personal mails.
2.Look for the language, scammers has often very bad grammar and their skills in European language is bad, the templates are often translated by GOOGLE
3.They fell in love very quickly and talk about endless and undying LOVE
4.Avoiding your questions in the mails (typical for scammers who use templates) but variations do exist in this also.
5. Asking money from strangers is a scam, African, Russian, man,woman makes NO DIFFERENCE!
6.The scammer tells you to end your dating site account because you are the only true love for him (this is the way he can control the victim)
7.Scammers uses an +44 as an UK number to confuse victims with that they are in UK but they are in fact in Nigeria . ID Spoofing
8.If it sounds to good to be true it is often that also.
What can you do to protect yourself?
You must protect yourself even if it is not an scammer you are talking to. Never give out any personal information to somebody that you dont know such your home address, telephone numbers no bank account/credit card numbers or other sensitive information as log in to your email addys or other accounts .Scammers asks for telephone numbers so they can convince people with their undying love as they asks for money, so dont give out any phone numbers to foreigners. As scammers are criminal in the cyber world their knowledge in computers are very good .Get yourself an good Antivirus program to protect you from malware and spams, never click on links that unknown people sends you in mails, there could be an trojan waiting for you. As trojan is an malware and is created to steal and copy information from other computers.
How do scammers work out and how do you recognize them??
Maybe you are talking for the moment with an scammer but nothing is not what it appears to be as the wonderful man you talking to is an criminal sitting in a internet cafe and knows exactly what he is doing ,because he has done this so many times before that you cant even imagine that your lovely man is only an criminal and wants to have your money, they are trained to be psychological and knows exactly what to talk and uses your weaknesses to get you into the trap. They send you gifts and talks poetry to you to get you really fall in love. And when you are enough in love then they starts to ask for money. They suddenly gets in to trouble and get into accidents and make up fake stories and involves other scammers also pretending to be doctors and lawyers or barristers that the story sound so real as possible, so that the victim feels empathy and open up the wallet to the scammer. They ask money for anything, from food to hospital bills, they can even send you fake documents that you have to sign your personal information that you suddenly can get involved in the crimes to without any knowledge of what you have really got involved into. As scammers are criminals they are involved in money laundry and drugs. They use most Western union to transfers to receive money from victims, but money gram is also more common now. Scammers uses stolen identities from other victims from another earlier scams or stolen from internet also. So the names they use to collect your money in are not their own names. So catch theses scammers are very difficult because of this.
The grammar is very bad as their skills are not good in English so they use templates translated by some translator and many time the scammers uses GOOGLE to translate their letters, so look for the language in the letters you receive from the scammers. Scammers uses much religion also in their scams they talk many times that they are GOD fearing and pretend to be very religious. often the scammers has children and they are widowers also, because in this way they can affect the victims in a emotionally way to the single mothers, everybody can be scammed but they often seek for single women with kids and in the age of 40, as people has generally made carrier and has an stabile economic situation as that attract scammers of course.
What can you do if you suspect you talking to an scammer?
If you suspect that the person you are talking to on the internet is an scammer, there is sites where you can seek for photographs, as I have put an link in the beginning of this information, but there is others you can do also, if you have contact with an scammer through email, you can look up the IP address, that the person uses and see if the person uses forged IP or has been reported to an scammer site. If the IP address is forged it is absolutely an scam, no real and honest person uses forged IP address, and if they begin to start talking about Africa that they are travelling to Nigeria or Ghana for business or work it is an scam also. Even if they have not asked for money yet it can be an scammers as well, as they can wait with that question a long time. Look for information on the internet what your love is doing and report scammers to sites because only by reporting scammers you reduce the scammers to operate and scam other people. Talk to other people about scamming and inform your friends who you also are talking to on the internet. If you have been scammed you must of course report this crime to the nearest authorities in your hometown and country. And here I have some links where you can find also information what you can do if you have been scammed, but I must put out an warning if you want to report scammers to authorities in Africa be careful who you are talking to, and also find out if it is real people you have contact with, as scammers abuses also this and goes under fake persons and scams people by saying the helping scammed people, there is a lot of fake detectives, so be careful who you are talking to and who you leave your personal information to.
And in this link you have more information of what you can do if you
are scammed.
Many thanks to DOC with the language/Translation,OJAS with good and informative links,and many thanks to and all other contributors and friends here at this site.
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2012-03-11, 11:35:44 (updated: 2012-03-11, 11:40:43) | ||||||||||
Miss Marple is correct about a Scammer never giving up.. I was scammed by a man for several thousands of dollars.. I deleted and ignored him and blocked him off my Face Book.. 2 days after I found out another man I was talking to was a scammer.. and I blocked him.. The man I had talked to before.. joined facebook saying I had sent him an invitation to join.. I had NOT sent that man anything.. Matter of fact he was still on my blocked list.. But Face Book has sent me a notification he has accepted my invitation to join.. They automatically sent him a friend request.. which I cancelled right away.. He sent me a message saying he joined to be near me.. I asked him how he got an invitation from me to join.. but he has not answered and has never sent me a request to be a friend on my faceBook..He started in telling me how hard he was having it in Africa and had no place to live and could I send him $200 to keep on his internet so that he could stay in touch with me... Been burnt once.. am not falling for that again... It goes to show you they never give up..The block lists do not work on Face Book,, he is using the same email address , name and profile he had on their before.. If you want to be safe... never accept someone you dont know personally on the social sites as your friends.. There are too many scammers on everyone you can think of.. | ||||||||||
Bill Andrea will ask for money for all kinds of reasons from airline tickets ..taxes,, bills for himself and now his son..(it started out with a daughter)..but she mysteriously died.. food ..housing and to pay his internet.. He will want you to do illegal transactions thru your bank.. use stolen credit cards for him..sell your house and send him the money or your car.. All in the name of love..Beware of him!!! | ||||||||||
Bill Andrea..AKA..William Cross..AKA...Stephen Jones...AKA... Raymond Carter.... | ||||||||||
2012-03-13, 16:55:02 (updated: 2012-03-13, 16:55:43) | ||||||||||
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hi i am the real john mageau i live in toronto ontario canada i feel bad that people are using me. the fact that there is french canadian general in the american army is ridiculous. i am just as much a victim as anyone. i feel horrible that women are sending my pics money. i am a jerk in real life. i just wish people would investigate who they are talking to and dont send anybody money you never met john | ||||||||||
2012-03-17, 19:37:44 (updated: 2012-03-17, 19:38:31) | ||||||||||
10 Heart-Wrenching Dating Scams That'll Break The Bank The Bogus Dating Service
The Military Lover
The Long Distance Lover
The Cancer Patient
The Fake Fiance
The Devoted Family Man
The Selfless Missionary
The Clever Confidant
The One Who Plays Hard To Get
The Business Mogul
Keywords: | ||||||||||
RE:Simon Edvin,Johannesburg South Africa please post more info on this Simon Edvin ,a picture in it self with no additional information is no use for anyone,has this person asked you for money? Strangers asking for money is always an scam! Please come back and give your story on this photo. All kind regards //Miss Marple// | ||||||||||
Woman scammed out of $240000 by online lover March 21, 2012
| ||||||||||
I was just this week contacted through by LivermoreOnTop with his personal emal being Sadly and fortunately for me, when I started my google search for this 'TO_GOOD-TO-BE-TRUE' Craig Cozzens I found only information about this being a scam and not a potential Match. I have reported LiremoreOnTop to as spam. And I am including the emails from this Craig Cozzens as well below: EMAIL #1:
47, Livermore, CA
Hi, I really do appreciate that you took your time to read my profile and decided to write. i must confess you have a great profile and a great smile. I totally agree to all that you said. I would not mind getting to dig a little deeper... Who knows what we might both find..
How is your week going i believe its been productive so far..? Hope to read from you soon. Keep Smiling. Craig EMAIL #2:
How are you doing this beautiful morning? Thanks for the email on match and it was also wonderful to finally read from you. I am looking for a serious relationship, I have been single for almost six years now and I am not getting younger so I want to settle down for something better. I want a lady that would like me for who I am, I want someone that is honest and sincere because honesty goes a long way in a relationship. I was almost married but my ex fiancee broke my heart a few weeks to our wedding and the fact that she loved me just for the material things, it was too late for me to realize this because things were already bad at that time for me to make a fast change, but I am happy right now because I have been able to move on. Forgive my manners, I am Craig Cozzens and a Petroleum Engineer by Profession. I am really hard working and self employed, I will tell you more about my work later on. I live alone presently, I travel a lot due to the nature of my job I have been to so many countries to work, I will tell you more about my job later. I am also a humble person and I do not like someone who is proud. I am also easy going, I am sure you will get to know more about my qualities as time goes. I am sorry for the long email but am sure the juice is worth the squeeze at the end of the day. I am so sorry the email is lengthy but i could not help it i just had to write so as to tell you more about myself. My son is 5 yrs and also lives with my Mom right now as my busy schedules and frequent travels has made it very difficult for me to be a stay at home Dad..I love him a lot and would make sure i do anything for him making sure he has the most adorable & loving Dad in the world. I like to do all the normal things that a woman likes to do. I want to find my best friend and lover wrapped up into one. I guess best friend and lover wrapped up into one really doesn't describe it the way I would like. I want to meet that life partner that i can not wait to wake up in the morning to see or get home from work to share smiles, laughs and good conversation. I want to be able to pick up the phone at work and tell that special somebody what the goofy person in the next office over just did. I would like to meet that one person that will love me as much as i love them. And show each other the love in little special ways. Like a card for no reason or cook you some soup when you are feeling under the weather. I guess you kinda get the hint. I am romantic and I do believe that my one love is out there. I am very outgoing,communicative, easy going,outspoken. I am also a very Romantic type, as i love to cuddle, hold hands while walking. I'm trustworthy so far as people tell me maybe I'm just laid back,lol. I also tend to have a good heart with so much of love to give and to receive . I am looking for an honest, caring and affectionate woman. I am really shy, so it would take me a while to get comfortable with someone, but I am an affectionate person. A woman that is girly and like girly stuff, but isnt afraid to get dirty or participating in outdoor activities (ie: camping, bonfires, maybe some fishing, although fishing maybe pushing it.). I am looking for someone that isnt just out to have a fling, but someone that would actually like to build a relationship that could turn into something serious.. Eventually, I would like to be married. I hope you are having a bright day, as i await your swift response. Cheers +++++++++++++ Please Please stay away from this Scammer. I replied back with an 'I don't see us being a match, and I see no need for further communication. Good luck with your search.' And have reported him to as many sites as I can. Keywords: | ||||||||||
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Picture Search You have received photos and wonder if these photos has been posted here before?Because you suspect this could be a dating scammer, but you do not want to post this picture?Try the Picture Search |
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