Sunday, February 16, 2014

Exposed to Asbestos - Asbestos123

Asbestos is a natural occurring mineral, used in many industrial processes, either as a compound in a finished product or during the manufacturing process. It can be found under the form of rocks and it is mined usually in large mining stations across the world.

Asbestos exposure is the number one cause of mesothelioma cancer and other asbestos related diseases. At the moment, it is the only known and proven cause of these diseases.

Asbestos exposure What to do?

Most cases of asbestos exposure occur at the workplace o during the renovation or construction of a new building. In both cases, asbestos, in its raw form, needs to be handled by a person which causes it to release tiny asbestos fibers. These small fibers have the ability to implant themselves in soft tissue of the body and cause inflammation in that area. This allows cancer cells to develop. This is how asbestos exposure occurs.

There are several methods of avoiding asbestos exposure recommended by experts. These do not guarantee that mesothelioma or other asbestos diseases will not develop, with it decreases the chances. These methods are:

  • Use the provided protective gear
  • If non is available, ask your employer to follow the law and provide the appropriate equipment
  • Avoid handling asbestos that has not been processed, it is the form of asbestos most likely to cause side effects
  • Avoid taking your work clothes home, they might carry asbestos fibers that could infect your loved ones
  • Do not allow construction firms to use asbestos containing materials to insulate your house. They come in fibrous state and will easily release the deadly fibers
  • If you bought a house that has been insulated using such materials, contact an asbestos removal company

How much asbestos exposure is threatening?

The lethal dose for asbestos is not the same for everyone. It depends on several factors. The following are tested and proven:

  • The type of asbestos the person has been exposed to
  • Where the exposure took place
  • The duration of time spent by the person in the asbestos rich environment without any form of protection
  • Other risk factors, including smoking and diseases of the lung present previous to the asbestos infection

Asbestos exposure with no cancer, whats next?

If asbestos exposure has not caused mesothelioma or other types of lung cancer after more than 50 years, the person can be almost certain that the cancer will never appear. Asbestos exposure cancer though, can also cause a range of other diseases almost immediately. The appearance of these diseases does not mean that mesothelioma will not appear. The doctors recommend a visit, in order to provide with a diagnosis or an advice towards avoiding mesothelioma.

Would you like to know more about asbestos exposure? Contact asbestos cancer organization and receive completely free information.

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