Monday, May 7, 2012

Medical Malpractice Attorney New York, NY Medical

Ivy League backgrounds, thousands of courtroom appearances spanning 27 years, and the sophisticated legal skills and financial resources to take on even the most powerful corporations.
  • Our mission in practicing law is to be the firm clients choose for their most challenging legal and personal issues.
  • We take pride in being one of New York's leading medical malpractice law firms and consistently have hired lawyers and staff from top 10 law schools and universities, including Yale, Princeton, Columbia, and the University of Chicago.
  • We have gone up against some of the top New York City medical negligence attorneys. Gordon Price Diefenbach, as a medical malpractice New York lawyer has close to 30 years in the field of medical lawsuits, having once worked for law firms that defend doctors and hospitals, he now brings that experience to your case.
  • Our firm uses cutting-edge computer technology to file medical malpractice lawsuits in NYC, and as such, the Diefenbach firm is positioned at the forefront of integrating the power of IT with the law.
  • Compared to other trial firms, we are highly selective in the cases we choose in the areas of medical malpractice lawsuits, hospital negligence, and pharmaceutical litigation.
  • We have extensive expertise in NY medical malpractice, catastrophic injuries and deaths, birth injuries, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries.
  • For more information about Diefenbach Law Firm click here.

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New York City Medical Malpractice Lawyers

Attorney Gordon Price Diefenbach has been handling NYC medical lawsuit cases for a significant part of close to the last 30 years. Upon graduating law school, he was a Junior Associate in 1986 at Martin, Clearwater & Bell, a premier defense firm, responsible for managing a caseload of over 150 active cases. Having worked for several defense firms, he chose to engage in prosecuting medical malpractice cases rather than defending them. Our attorneys have significant experience in Medical Malpractice in New York. We live in a society where many individuals are over-treated and over-medicated, and thus sometimes undergo unnecessary medical procedures or take medications that may in fact do more harm than good. Medical malpractice claims enter into the picture when a doctor does not exercise the sort of care that would ordinarily be expected. In plain language, a doctor who fails to diagnose cancer in a timely manner, a doctor who removes a healthy organ, or medical staff who leave a sponge in a patients body will expose their practice to a medical malpractice law suit.

Whom does medical malpractice affect? While anyone could be the victim of substandard care or a negligently performed procedure, the majority of the Diefenbach's lawyers' cases we bring in Manhattan against doctors are truly life altering for our clients. About 1/5 are newborn babies, who can suffer many different kinds of birth injuries, and as NYC medical malpractice lawyers we investigate those cases very seriously. Our medical negligence lawyers investigate New York medical malpractice cases thoroughly, which include different forms of cerebral palsy, negligence during delivery in NY hospitals, and birth defects from prescription drugs.

Our lawyers, by filing a New York based medical malpractice lawsuit, seek to recover for your physical and emotional injuries and begin the process of moving on with your life. Plaintiffs may be eligible for compensation based on their medical bills, pain and suffering, lost earnings (past and future) as well as loss of enjoyment of life. If your medical malpractice injuries are catastrophic, our NYC office is ready to investigate your negligence claim against a doctor, hospital, emergency room, or nursing home. The Diefenbach lawyers outstanding track record in New York City medical malpractice lawsuits is the result of close to 30 years of hard-won experience. Read more about Medical Malpractice

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Manhattan Medical Negligence Lawyers and Lawsuits

Our lawyers handle medical malpractice cases throughout Manhattan and engage in extensive discovery and motion practice to get you the verdict or settlement your case demands. As one of a handful of Manhattan lawyers handling these medical malpractice lawsuits against doctors, we are adept at pushing your case to its maximum settlement or verdict value. At the Diefenbach Law Firm we investigate claims of birth defect, brain injury, and children injured at clinics and hospitals.

Victims of brain injury include athletes, who are repeatedly exposed to trauma during games. In fact, the NFL was recently a defendant in a number of cases alleging brain injuries. Players had suffered concussions as a result of contact with each other, the ground, or the ball, and had sustained brain injuries as a result. Even though the NFL had increased the size and weight of helmets over the years, this was not enough to protect payers.

New York construction workers sometimes sustain brain injuries as well. Working with heavy equipment or at a dangerous construction site where the employer has not taken adequate precautions leaves workers vulnerable to head trauma. Brain injuries can also result from serious motor vehicle accidents and are quite often alleged in excessive force lawsuits against the police department. Read more about Traumatic Brain Injury

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Birth Injuries and Malpractice Lawyers

Giving birth to a baby is a complicated process that requires continuous and careful medical attention in order to go smoothly. Some complications can be expected during childbirth, but these are of the sort that are likely to resolve within a few days. On the whole, mothers look forward to welcoming healthy and happy babies into the world.

Nevertheless, the omissions of doctors and hospital staff can sometimes lead to tragic outcomes for newborn babies. The small and delicate organism of the newborn as well as the difficult process of delivery makes babies vulnerable to obstetrical malpractice and birth injuries.

If your baby suffered a birth injury, choose a top law firm well positioned to take on your obstetrical malpractice suit and help you and your baby begin the process of recovery. We will conduct a thorough analysis of your medical records and enlist the help of a leading medical expert to put on a strong case on your behalf. An obstetrical malpractice lawsuit can help you recover medical expenses as well as compensation for pain and suffering. Read more about Birth Injury and Obstretrics Malpractice

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Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a congenital neurological disorder. Its causes are not fully known, but it can be the result of trauma during a babys delivery. Cerebral palsy is an especially severe form of birth injury, which often results from negligence on the part of a doctor or delivery room staff in delivering the baby. It can affect the development of a newborn child, often with an impact on both movement and communication. There are many different types of cerebral palsy, some of which only affect one of the babys limbs and some which affect all four. The effects on speech and psychological development can vary as well. Read more about Cerebral Palsy

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New York Lawyers for Errors and Mistakes in Laparoscopy Surgery

Laparoscopy represents a significant advance in surgical technique. Working through small incisions in the abdomen and filling the abdominal cavity with air, a doctor is able to perform a complicated operation with minimal invasion. Nevertheless, a laparoscopy is an extremely complex undertaking that requires a high level of care and skill. A negligently performed laparoscopy can have a devastating impact on the patients health, leading to severe complications. Some of the problems that most often result from errors in laparoscopic surgery include perforation in the bile duct or vital organs or the failure to take out all affected tissue in the course of a laparoscopic cancer surgery. Such errors on the part of a doctor can be grounds for a surgical negligence lawsuit. Read more about Errors and Mistakes in a Laparoscopy Surgery

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New York Lawyers for Failure to Diagnose Cancer Lawsuits

Cancer is a devastating disease, and, for its victims and their families, time is of the essence. Diagnosing cancer in a timely manner can help prolong a life, or even save a patients life. A doctor who does not detect cancer in a timely manner can be the subject of a failure to diagnose lawsuits brought by a cancer victim or his family.

Failure to diagnose cases are a large subset of medical malpractice lawsuits. In fact, about half of medical malpractice lawsuits which involve emergency room treatment allege misdiagnosis or the failure to diagnose. For victims of serious illnesses and their families, timely diagnosis means a lot. A failure to diagnose or a misdiagnosis can lead to a deterioration in the patients condition, prolonged suffering, or even an early death. If you believe that a family member has been the victim of a delayed or mistaken diagnosis, a failure to diagnose lawsuit may be an option for obtaining redress. Read more about Failure to Diagnose Cancer

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New York's Lawyers for Hospital Liability and Emergency Room Errors & Mistakes

In providing treatment to patients, doctors and other members of the hospital staff have a legal duty to meet certain standards of care and attention. When these standards are not met, and a patient suffers injuries as a result of a mistake or an omission on the part of medical staff, she can bring a lawsuit against a doctor or a hospital. The law holds hospitals accountable for the actions their employees take in the course of doing their work.

There are stringent time limits to bringing a lawsuit against a doctor or a hospital, however. Typically the time limit is two and a half years after the improper conduct, mistake, or omission in your medical care occurred. If you were the victim of am medical error or mistake in the emergency room or elsewhere in the course of your hospital stay, the Diefenbach Law Firm can bring a hospital liability lawsuit on your behalf. We will conduct a thorough review of your medical records and will enlist a leading medical expert to help prove your case at trial. Read more about Hospital Liability and Emergency Room Errors

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Dangerous Pharmaceutical Drugs and your Rights

Pharmaceutical giants like Merck, Pfizer, Bayer, Novartis, and AstraZeneca are in a constant race to develop a best-selling miracle pill. American consumers are targeted by these manufacturers through intensive advertising on televison, in newspapers, and online. For many, prescription medications lead to an Alice in Wonderland situation - take one pill to ease one symptom, another pill to remedy the side effects of the first pill, and so on. A popular product, such as cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor, can raise millions of dollars in profits for a drug company. It can also lead to people suffering serious side effects that they did not bargain for, and which the manufacturer did not properly warn about.

One of the most frightening side effect stories among prescription medications is Pradaxa. Pradaxa is an anticoagulant, or blood thinner. While it is designed to help prevent stroke in patients who have atrial fibrillation, it has caused excessive and unstoppable bleeding in many users, some of whom died as a result. Lawsuits are being filed across the country against the drugs manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim. But Pradaxa is only one of dozens of prescription medications with severe and potentially deadly side effects that nevertheless remain on the market.Diefenbach Law Firm is a plaintiffs firm that is dedicated to protecting consumers from dangerous and defective medications. Our law firm is located in the center of NYs Tech Community, in the heart of New York Citys Financial District, and is poised to take on even the most challenging pharmaceutical litigation. Read more about Pharamaceutical Liability

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Surgical Negligence

Surgeries are very involved and complicated procedures that require a great deal of trust on the part of the patient and a very high level of care and skill on the part of the doctor. Nevertheless, every year many surgeries go wrong, some horribly wrong. Some of the most chilling surgical negligence cases involve the removal of a healthy organ or the amputation of a healthy extremity; surgical equipment left behind to cause pain, irritation and infection in a patients body, and poorly performed anesthesia that left patients to see and feel everything that was going on during their operation.

Doctors should be held accountable for surgical negligence, and you can obtain compensation for your injuries by filing a surgical negligence lawsuit.You should choose a top firm to handle your surgical negligence lawsuit to ensure that you are able to meet the standards of proof required for this type of action. Call the Diefenbach Law Firm today for an evaluation of your potential surgical negligence lawsuit. Read more about Surgical Negligence

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New York Wrongful Death Cases

Wrongful death is a death that occurs as a result of an injury or an accident. Lawyers that handle wrongful death cases can seek compensation for the family of a person who has faced an untimely death. The compensation the family might seek can include damages for loss of support, loss of consortium (for the spouse), and pain and suffering. If you have lost a loved one to medical malpractice, a motor vehicle accident, or a workplace accident, you may have a wrongful death lawsuit. Read more about Wrongful Death Cases

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New York Workers' Compensation Lawyers: Representing the Injured NYC Worker

As a New York worker, you should be aware that the Workers Compensation board is not your only resource for compensation if you have suffered a workplace injury. The larger settlements and verdicts are often obtained not against the employer, but against third parties who in some way contributed to a workers injury. An injured worker can file a personal injury lawsuit against, for instance, the manufacturer of the faulty equipment that precipitated the accident. If you have suffered a serious injury at work, you do not have to settle for Workers Compensation alone - see what the Diefenbach Law Firm can do for you. Read more about Injured NYC Worker Compensaion

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On-the-Job Injuries

While the overall trend is a reduction in the incidence of workplace injuries, some industries still remain accident-prone. The construction industry is among these. Workers routinely handle heavy equipment, climb to great heights, and are exposed to dangerous materials at work sites. If you are a New York worker who has been injured at work, our firm can help you obtain the necessary documentation to assist you with your workers compensation claim, or file a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf. Read more about work accidents

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New York Construction Accident Lawyers

Many of New Yorks monumental and memorable pieces of architecture have involved worker casualties. From the Empire State building to the Brooklyn Bridge, casualties dot New Yorks construction history. Today, construction workers are still exposed to very serious accidents at their work sites. For those who have suffered traumatic injuries at a construction site, private lawsuits are available as a remedy distinct from Workers Compensation. A top New York construction accident lawyer can take on your case, and will often work on a contingency basis. That is, you do not pay unless your lawsuit comes to a successful conclusion. The standard contingency fee is around 33% of your recovery. Read more about Construction Accidents

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A hidden danger that disproportionately affects construction workers is mesothelioma, a lung cancer. Mesothelioma is almost always caused by exposure to asbestos and its symptoms may not show up until years, even decades, after exposure. Family members who come into contact with the construction workers contaminated clothes or equipment often face a higher risk of developing mesothelioma as well.

For individuals who bring mesothelioma lawsuits, it can often be difficult to put on a clear case of causation. Plaintiffs face the hurdle of proving to the jury that other factors, such as a history of smoking, did not contribute to a mesothelioma victims cancer.A thorough investigation and careful preparation on behalf of the attorney handling a mesothelioma lawsuit is key, and it is therefore important to choose a top firm for your mesothelioma lawsuit. Read more about Mesothelioma

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New York's Lawyers for Catastrophic Personal Injuries & Spinal Cord Injuries, Paraplegia Cases

Spinal cord injuries can often be the tragic result of a car accident, a subway accident, or a swimming pool accident. They can also sometimes result form medical malpractice. Trauma to the spinal cord can result in a loss of movement and feeling below the point at which the spinal cord was damaged. If a spinal cord injury affects only the lower half of the body, it is termed paraplegia. If the majority of the body, including the arms and the legs, is affected, the condition is called quadriplegia. Read more about Spinal Cord Injuries

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Subway, Bus or Public Transportation Accident

In the crowded, chaotic metropolis of New York, the subway and buses are the preferred transportation methods for thousands of commuters trying to get to work and around the city every day. This means that a large number of accidents happen on the various forms of public transportation in New York City on a regular basis. Alarmingly, MTA workers are told to expect one death somewhere within the citys subway system every week. Subway accident lawyers see some of the most horrifying personal injury cases. They are, however, often able to secure sizeable compensation for accident victims and their families.

If you have been injured within New Yorks public transportation system, the Diefenbach Law firm can help you launch a personal injury case. Our careful investigation and thorough preparation for trial will help you secure the maximum compensation for your injuries. Read more about MTA or Public Transportation Accident

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Other Practice Areas

The Diefenbach law Firm is prepared to handle a wide range of personal injury lawsuits. We can assist you in filing a lawsuit for any type of transportation accident. We also can help you if you have been injured during physical therapy or in the course of plastic surgery. We can help families of victims of nursing home neglect or abuse obtain compensation for their injuries. To see more of our practice areas, click here: Read more about Personal Injury

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