Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Levin & Perconti - Illinois Medical Malpractice Blog

CBS News reported last year that seventy percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug each day. Whether the drugs are for depression, high cholesterol, chronic pain, to battle infection, or for any of a host of other medical conditions, Americans rely on those medications. Americans also rely on the pharmaceutical companies who create and manufacture these medications to make them as safe as possible. And when the mediations come with risks of side effects, Americans expect to be warned about those side effects. We expect them to provide the pros and cons of the medication, so we can make an informed decision about whether to take them. Unfortunately, sometimes that does not happen, and patients are injured, or even lose their lives.

One group of such cases involves a prescription drug called Pradaxa, which is also known as dabigatran. ABC News reports that its German manufacturer, Boehringer Ingelheim, has agreed to pay $650 million to settle roughly 4,000 claims regarding the drugs marketing and safety. The average payout per case is $162,500.

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