Thursday, May 24, 2012

Barber and Banker Personal Injury Lawyer

Find out why other Lawyers refer their families and friends to us!

Accident victims are often left in a situation where no help seems to be available. An injured person is often left to suffer through pain and complex financial loss. Let us go to work for you. 

Barber & Banker is a law firm with a long track record of successfully fighting for the rights of its clients. While no two personal injury cases are ever exactly the same, the firm pursues an approach that is geared towards finding solutions for clients who need and deserve to have their legal rights protected and enforced.  Our Alaska personal injury lawyers fight for your rights.

Deciding if an Alaska Accident Settlement is Advisable

Barber & Banker is a law firm dedicated to the best interests of the client. There may be situations in which pursuing a settlement is a solid strategy. Understanding just how possible a proper settlement agreement is depends on skill and experience, and the firm offers every client a wealth of those two professional qualities. Good personal injury lawyers understand how much negotiating leverage can be used in pursuit of a settlement, and when it is time to go to Court.

Barber & Banker - Relentless Pursuit of Justice

In every case, Barber & Banker will try to negotiate before filing a lawsuit. The Alaska personal injury lawyers at Barber & Banker will not hesitate to file suit when necessary. The firm has years of successful experience in litigation, and the reputation of the firm precedes the work that we do for every client.

While we always look to reach a solution for our client that's fair and equitable as quickly as possible, much depends on the defendant. If the defendant is not responding in a reasonable manner, we will do everything to ensure that your recovery is obtained.

If you or someone you love has been injured because of someone else's negligence, contact the Alaska personal injury attorneys at Barber & Banker today to schedule a free initial consultation.

Maritime Injury Lawyers

Alaska depends on the sea to keep its economy moving.  Read More...

Benchmark-Plaintiff-LLSBarber & Banker Recognized by Benchmark Plaintiff Publication

For three years, Benchmark Plaintiff has been publishing an annual guide that deals with attorneys who represent plaintiffs in civil legal matters across the United States. The publication is considered by many to be the go-to source for information regarding those trial attorneys and those litigation law firms that provide a high level of service for clients based on several factors including their track records earned in the courtroom. Those recognized earn this status by way of a thorough professional evaluation thats based in large part on feedback from other attorneys in their communities.

This year, both the law firm of Barber & Banker and the partners at the firm, Anthony Banker and Jeff Barber, have been recognized by Benchmark Plaintiff. The firm was featured as one that is Recommended by its peers and Messrs. Barber and Banker have been honored with the distinction of Local Litigation Stars based on those peer interviews and feedback. Both the firm as a whole and the lead attorneys at Barber & Banker are well-known and highly thought of within the legal community, and that will only provide an additional benefit for people who have been wrongfully harmed if they choose to have Barber & Banker stand up for their legal rights.

Were You Injured While Visiting Alaska?

Anchorage Alaska Accident Lawyer: Alaska is a vacationer's paradise. Unfortunately, some visitors to Alaska are injured as a result of the carelessness of a motorist or some other party. If you are the victim of negligence or have been injured in an Alaska auto accident, it is important that you hire an Alaska Personal Injury Attorney who is licensed to practice law in Alaska.

Each state has different laws concerning personal injury cases. An out-of-state lawyer would be required to hire a local Alaskan lawyer in order to practice in the Alaska Court System.

Read more in our Alaska Personal Injury Blog

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