Monday, April 30, 2012

The Fitzgerald Law Firm - Medical Malpractice Attorney in

No one expects bad things to happen when we obtain medical care. Doctors, surgeons and other medical care providers are highly trained and highly skilled, and through the course of our lives we come to trust their opinions and the steps that they take to help us. When we receive substandard medical care, we face a very serious situation that involves additional injuries, more intense illnesses and perhaps a struggle to even survive. This is where a medical malpractice attorney can help.

The Fitzgerald Law Firm History and Tradition

The Fitzgerald Family of Lawyers includes John E. Fitzgerald and his wife, Annette Fitzgerald and their sons James and John J. Fitzgerald. read more

The Fitzgerald Law Firm is a law firm comprised of New York medical malpractice attorneys who have been representing clients injured from the time before they were even born through the end of their lives because of negligent medical care. We understand how stressful it is to seek out medical help only to suffer even more because of mistakes that are made. We know how to fight for your rights so that you receive the compensation you deserve.

Decades of Experience and Results

The Fitzgerald Law Firms have been helping people who have found themselves in this position for 42 years, and over that time the firm has come to understand how important experience is when dealing with cases of this nature. The firm is known for its acumen with regards to the technicalities of New York medical malpractice law, and weve represented clients in matters that have included:

  • Substandard prenatal care
  • Birth injuries
  • Cerebral palsy cases
  • Developmental delays
  • Autism cases
  • Surgical errors
  • Misdiagnosis of a health condition
  • Failure to diagnose a health condition

Weve fought for and obtained well over $1 billion dollars in recoveries for our clients during these 42 years, and weve done so by way of our reputation that weve earned through this experience.

There are many more ways in which someone can be injured as a result of the actions of others than within the context of medical mistakes, and the attorneys at The Fitzgerald Law Firms have been helping clients injured in car accidents, lead paint poisoning cases and slip and fall accidents for 42 years as well. When youre injured by someone else, you need to be able to focus on getting better and allowing the right people to handle the legal aftermath. The New York personal injury lawyers at The Fitzgerald Law Firm are the right people.

Our Approach with Clients

If you are injured in the course of receiving medical care or because of the negligence of someone else and you contact our office, you can expect to speak with a friendly person. You can also expect to have an initial consultation scheduled very soon, and there will be no charge for that initial consultation. We owe it to you to make sure that we analyze your problem before giving you recommendations, and you will not be obligated to us in any way after that initial consultation is over. If you decide to retain us, we will clearly lay out what you should expect in terms of the process and in terms of any legal fee structure. In short, you should expect us to keep you involved so that your case is as minimally stressful as possible.

Put Your Stress in the Past

If you have been injured by someone else, you face a very stressful situation. You are likely feeling financial pressure because of medical bills and perhaps because of lost income. You are also likely suffering in pain and struggling to get back on your feet. That is more than enough to handle for anyone. Let our medical malpractice attorneys take care of all of the legal matters that follow these incidents, as weve been doing for 42 years. Contact The Fitzgerald Law Firm today to schedule a free initial consultation.

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