Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff, LLP - New York Medical

Leading New York City Medical Malpractice Attorneys

For generations, the New York medical malpractice attorneys at Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolff LLP have been leaders in NY medical malpractice law suits. We are experienced in every type of New York medical malpractice claim involving injury or wrongful death. Our Malpractice Law Firm has won millions for claims involving surgical errors, failure to diagnose cancer, birth injuries, medication errors, anesthesia errors, emergency room errors, orthopedic mismanagement and hospital malpractice. Our experienced New York City malpractice lawyers have won verdicts & settlements for malpractice victims that have been injured through a hospital or doctor's negligence.

If you have been injured by a doctor or hospital in New York, turn to the experienced New York city medical malpractice law firm of Rosenberg, Minc, Falkoff & Wolf LLP. You have the right to bring a malpractice claim for your medical expenses, lost income and pain and suffering. In malpractice claims, it is absolutely vital that you work with an experienced, committed law firm.

Doctors, nurses and others in the medical profession enjoy our respect and admiration. These professionals are required to make a number of important decisions every day. Most of the time, doctors correctly diagnose problems and treat these illnesses and injuries to the best of their ability. Unfortunately in certain cases, the negligence or misconduct of doctors leads to disabling injuries and even death.

You Pay Nothing Upfront. You Pay Nothing Unless We Win Your Case. Call now for a free consultation 866-516-5887

Make no mistake; Medical malpractice law suits are expensive and time-consuming. Our New York law firm has the resources to finance and win your case. We have accumulated the resources necessary to present the best possible case. We have access to medical experts to gather the evidence necessary to understand and present your claim.

Despite this expense, we do not charge our clients anything to prepare their cases. We only recoup our investment and attorneys fees if we win your case. When we accept any case, we partner with our clients to see that justice is done.

Medical Malpractice Cases Won By Our NYC Law Firm


As a victim of medical negligence you have several choices:

  • File a medical misconduct complaint with the New York State Department of Health (OPMC);
  • Get an opinion from an experienced New York Medical Malpractice Attorney. Make sure you are not paying up front for this service which can be found for free; and
  • Obtain a copy of your medial records from your medical provider and have your medical care reviewed by another medical specialist.


  • Filing your own "pro se" lawsuit is complicated. You will find that most physicians are uninterested in getting involved in a claim against another doctor. You probably will have trouble finding a doctor to review your case without the help of an attorney;
  • Expert medical reviews can be very expensive if you go it alone;
  • Select an experienced medical malpractice attorney as they can guide you as to the merit's of your case and locate a doctor to review your case; and
  • Remember under New York State Law all the Medical Malpractice Attorneys usually charge the same fee set by the Court, so take your time and select a knowledgeable lawyer for your specific medical claim; and
  • Be careful not to delay past the Statute of Limitations time limits or you will be out.


  • Statute of Limitations are tricky and complex.
  • Medical malpractice claims normally have a 2 ½ year time limit to file a legal claim and wrongful death claims are limited to 2 years. Beware, public hospitals in New York all require that claims for medical malpractice be filed properly within 90 days. So act quickly or you will be out of luck.


  • Any adult over 18 that is not incompetent;
  • Children up to the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian represent them;
  • Any claim for a decedent cannot be filed without the appointment of an estate representative by the New York Surrogate's Court; and
  • Anyone deemed incompetent requires the appointment of a guardian before a case may be filed on their behalf.


  • You have the right to obtain complete copies of your hospital or medical records from any medical provider. You will be required to sign an authorization and pay a small fee for copying each page;
  • New York State Law requires that a patient obtain a doctor's opinion that medical malpractice occurred before any medical malpractice lawsuit may be filed in the Court's of New York State; and
  • Any claim involving a neurologically impaired infant resulting from child birth is governed by the New York State Medical Indemnity Fund (NYSMIF) which is responsible for paying all medical bills for the lifetime of the infant if a case is proven.


  • The maximum legal fee permitted in New York State is 30% on the first $250,000.00 recovered, and then a lower percentage as the settlement increases;
  • An infant (under age 18) and wrongful death case fee's must be approved by the Court; and
  • Lawyers are also permitted to charge disbursements or expenses only if related to the claim.


  • Failure to diagnose cancer;
  • Delay in diagnosing colon or breast cancer;
  • Excessive bleeding after surgery resulting in neurologic damage;
  • Childbirth and delivery negligence;
  • Improper hospital care;
  • Failure to treat cardiac systems;
  • Improper cataract surgery;
  • Neurologic or brain damage resulting from lack of oxygen during surgery;
  • Orthopaedic errors;
  • Colonoscopy punctures; and
  • Doctors negligent medical care

In addition to malpractice cases, our law firm also represents people who have been injured in motor vehicle accidents, construction accidents and other accidents caused by another's negligence or wrongful conduct. To learn more, contact us or review our personal injury website.

To get started, call our New York medical malpractice lawyers at 1-866-516-5887 or e-mail us to schedule your free, confidential case evaluation.

Let us show you what experience can do for your case!

you pay nothing upfront you pay nothing in the sea when your case


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