Unlike many of lifes difficulties, IRS problems simply dont go away by themselves. The ugly truth is that they only become worse as time goes on. Penalties accumulate and interest accrues every single day your IRS problems go unresolved, slowly but steadily eating away at your hard-earned dollars. IRS problems can quietly invade all aspects of your life, negatively affecting even your physical and emotional health through lost sleep and constant worry. And it doesnt matter how long you sleep or how far you travel to forget about your IRS problems your IRS problems will never forget about you. Ironically, IRS penalties were meant only to be a slap on the wrist; a gentle reminder to learn from past mistakes. But unfortunately, todays penalties can be so severe that most individuals find it nearly impossible to see a way out and get the IRS help they so desperately need.
The longer you go without IRS help, the more aggressive the collection attempts will become. Thats because the IRS doesnt care how your debt is paid. They will do whatever it takes bank levies, wage garnishment, even seizing your assets and selling them at auction to get their money back. They can even attack your pension, retirement or social security check! And the worst thing about these collection methods is that they can prevent you from ever rebuilding your retirement funds or assets.
Most people already enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being debt free. Why shouldnt you? You owe it to yourself and your family to find out more about how to get IRS help.
Dont sit and wait for your IRS problems to go away; take your first step right now. Just call: (888) 438-6474 to meet with me for free, and Ill show you how you can reclaim your life and put an end to the vicious cycle of IRS debt.
As an IRS Lawyer in Tampa you can work with us to get tax help and your tax problems solved
I look forward to hearing from you.
Darrin T. Mish
Licensed to practice in Florida & Colorado. May represent taxpayers in all 50 states
15421 N. Florida Ave., Ste A.Tampa, FL 33613
PHONE: (813) 229-7100 TOLL FREE: (888) 438-6474 FAX: (813) 251-9605
Copyright © 2012 Law Offices of Darrin T. Mish, P.A.
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